Trucker Lifestyle: The Advantages and Disadvantages of a Career In Trucking

Truckers are an integral part of daily life. They are found in many industries, including retail, automotive, food, and dining.
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Truckers are an integral part of daily life. They are found in many industries, including retail, automotive, food, and dining. Trucker’s lifestyle is glamorous and attracts young drivers to the industry. Truck drivers have the opportunity to travel all over the country and develop their driving skills. There are downsides and upsides to trucking, as with any career. It is what makes this article so unique.

 The Advantages of a Career In Trucking 

A career in trucking has the first advantage: supply and demand are in favor of each other. Because of the high demand for trucking jobs, it is easy to find them. Sometimes, you only need minimal qualifications to grab them.

Although the work can be tedious and long-winded, it is possible to make a decent living driving. First-timers can earn as high as $45,000 in their first year and $55,000 in their second. You don’t have to worry about any other expenses, which means you can save a lot over the years. There are no automobile payments, utilities, or insurance. Some companies even allow you to bring your truck home.

You will be well looked after if you sign up with a reputable business. Trucks rarely last more than three years so that they can feel brand new.

Truck stops are usually open 24 hours a day, so you’ll always find a variety of people to talk to and meet. We’ve already covered some of the positives. Let’s now look at the negatives.

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 The Disadvantages of a Trucking Career 

The biggest drawback of trucking is its ability to be a “family-killer.” Truck drivers who drive long distances can spend up to three weeks without seeing their families and friends. Along the way, you will meet many exciting people and strangers. If you are single, this lifestyle is very appealing. However, it can be disastrous for those with children.

Your friends and families will continue their lives, and you won’t be a part of those lives. There may be a “warming up” period every time you revisit them.

Truckers often find it hard to maintain a healthy diet on the road due to limited options for fast food and low-nutrition restaurants. You may discover new favorite restaurants as you travel, which can make eating out more enjoyable, especially if you are doing the same route repeatedly.

The trucking lifestyle is not something to be ashamed of. Do not worry about what other people think about the trucking lifestyle. Their lives would be richer if they had the chance to live what they have.

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